Healthy and Positive Ways to Deal With the Emotional After Effects of an Injury

An injury can lead to you losing time from work, not socializing with friends, and feeling desperate for the life you once had before you were injured. Once the shock of your injury subsides, it can be important to deal with your feelings emotionally while you’re recovering. It’s also good to remember that your injury doesn’t define you and to stay positive for the life you have ahead of you.

Change Your Thoughts

Thinking of transformative thoughts, rather than dwelling on your accident, can help you on your road to recovery after an injury. While you’re healing physically, your mind needs to heal as well. Instead of focusing on the anxiety related to your injury, look to a positive mantra instead. Your body heals the most when you sleep, so a good night’s rest can help to boost your optimism and get you ready to tackle the next day.

Consider focusing on who you were before your injury rather than lingering on who you are after. You can look to meditation and self-love to know that nothing was your fault and let the universe guide you to healing.

Engage in Activities You Love

Your hobbies can be a positive outlet after your injury. If you have a passion for sports and can’t play, try attending a local game or watching it on TV. Those with artistic talent can paint or turn to photography or crafts. Keeping your mind active can be a positive distraction, such as completing a jigsaw puzzle, playing a fun video game, reading, coloring in adult coloring books, or binging a favorite TV show. Engaging in calming activities can help your body and mind heal after you have been through trauma.

Find a Community for You

You may feel like you’re alone when you’re suffering through an injury, but help is waiting for you. Support groups at your local health center may be available for specific types of injuries. The beauty of recovery is knowing there are other people who have been in your shoes and are here to help or simply to listen. There are also online support groups that you can turn to.

Injuries are personal but you shouldn’t have to suffer alone. There are many resources to guide you to the path of healing no matter which route you choose. A healthy recovery is your end goal.

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